Health Care Support

According to World Bank and WHO, half of the world lacks access to essential health services. People in poor countries have limited access to health services than developed countries, and the poor within the countries have less access to health services.

SROWZAR CHILDREN provides vulnerable women with health packages that include, medicine, sanitary products, underwear, and pamphlets about their menstrual cycle. A midwife also educates them on essential health care management during pregnancy, labour and post birth.

Access to basic health care

Every child, mother and struggling father deserve access to basic medication.

Every Donation

Every donation you make towards this project, provides a struggling family with access to basic medication and support

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What does it cost?

The costs vary depending on the type of support being offered, however with our past projects it costs only $80 a month to support a family

○ $80 for basic medication for struggling families

○ $100 a month provides ongoing support, and allows us to keep supporting those struggling.


Support a family today

We focus on results

SrowZar Focuses on Results, we ensure that people are brought out of poverty.

children put in schools

Orphans and less fortunate provided education, so they can support themselves

women provided work

Women are educated and provided work opportunities, allowing them to support themselves.