Clean water Initiative

Water is a finite and irreplaceable resource that is fundamental to human well-being.

Our water well projects focus on providing safe and clean drinking water. Majority of the water wells are built in rural areas where the communities do not have to access to clean drinking water within 3-4km. Prior to the construction of water wells; we surveyed the users about the complexities that they are facing in obtaining clean and useable water. Our survey discovered that the population was using murky water as drinking water and would wait for the dirt to settle down for it to become consumable. With the help of our donors, we have successfully provided water wells to 11 different communities that would supply them with clean drinking water.

Allah SWT Says in the Quran

‘And whoever saves one [a life] – it is as if he had saved all of mankind’. (Qur’an, 5:32)

Every Donation

For every donation that you make towards the water well projects; you will be saving someone’s life and the reward is infinite.

Get Involved

Cost of water wells project

The project’s costs vary depending on the location and depth of the water well. On average, the cost for water wells are as follows:

  • On mountainous location, each water wells will cost approximately around $8,000-$9,000

  • On flat land, each water wells will cost approximately around $2,000-$4,000

** cost estimates are in Australian Dollar using 2021 value.


Build a Well today


Account Transfer (AUS):


Account number: 10729761

BSB: 062703

We focus on results

SrowZar Focuses on Results, we ensure that people are brought out of poverty.

children put in schools

Orphans and less fortunate provided education, so they can support themselves

women provided work</